Research Activities

The Multimedia Technology Laboratory (medialab) at the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, has a history of producing groundbreaking technological advances and fundamental contributions in the fields of:

Recently, the laboratory contributed to the field of Semantic Web, Linked Open Data (LOD) as well as to the field of “Big Data” handling. See the Where my money goes (in Greece) project.

Research activities are carried on in a research laboratory equipped with 20 networked workstations, multimedia platforms, and data clusters.

Educational Activities

The educational activities of the faculty members cover the field of Multimedia Technology and Communications, Image Processing, Software Programming, Internet Technologies, Digital Design, Logic Circuit Laboratory, Electronics, and Analogue Electronics System Laboratory. Recently, affiliate members from other academic institutes and industry cover the fields of Web Economy, Semantic Enterprise and other Web 2.0/3.0 trends.

The Laboratory supports an electronic classroom consisting of 25 networked PCs and several servers (DNS, Mail, Database and Applications Servers) operating mainly on Open Source Platforms.

The Team

Three (3) faculty members, six (6) affiliate members, six (6) research fellows, as well as several PhD candicates and Software Developers are supporting the research and educational activities of medialab.